Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fantastically Corrupt CHANGE

Buhari assigns Ministers: Full list of the Ministers and their offices

By George Saint Chukz

Every patriotic citizen in his or her accurate rationality would basically be an advocate of CHANGE. For it is dynamic and germane in advancing democracies like Nigeria. A clear indication why majority leased their franchise to the party that carry and presented CHANGE.

We were all expecting clarity in governance from the party with CHANGE; this CHANGE which would be glaring in the advanced style of administration when compared to the immediate past and other past administrations with political subterfuge.

Optimism engulfed me about the advancement to be head-driven by this CHANGE government into and through anew paradigm of governance in expectation, when the ‘Fresh Air’ carriers eventually leave Aso Rock.

Unfortunately, the CHANGE band began rolling and from the echoes emanating from the already rolled-CHANGE, disconcert is already surging and within the ace of being visible to the blind. The CHANGE carries ‘the same token’ in retrospect of administrative style.

Some Nigerians surely have wailed loud of the embryonic circumstance (it’s too early to judge syndicates) amid the snail pace of the full resuscitation of the CHANGE Nigeria. But there should be worries by parents of an offspring at its sixth month with closed eyes, there’s possible impairment. To these syndicates that’s the worries here and they’re still cool to let off. But we’d have surely seen positive turn-around from the past ills right from the onset of a CHANGE-minded government, if at all the mantra is avid. Real CHANGE should be promising in outlook not blurry.

As a patriot it’s imperative to dig this CHANGE in the ribs as an eye opener to reality.

* Internal Security.
The very first expectation from clear-cut CHANGE was the rejuvenation to world standard internal security and improved Intelligence experience in place in the country for the ordinary citizens. But from the look of things with the experience at hand, it’s however healthy to posit the fact, ‘we are in One Chance CHANGE’. the interior security experience to all intents and purposes hasn’t leaped from the stance the CHANGE took over. Ask any Agatu, Enugu, and Niger Delta citizens the experience with the security agencies in security haven, and you’ll understand the reason for the assumption ‘we are static in security advancement’. One Chance CHANGE.

The service in expectation from CHANGE ought to be overhauled by Mr Buhari – the CHANGE god.
The new experience of a true CHANGE government should be devoid of administrative and operational hiccups experienced in the unCHANGE(d) administrations of the past. Our ministries’ servants are very much the same pain in the arse known under the Fresh Air era – they only swung into a new ship with their old selves.

Some Northern states and their IDPs are still not in delirious state, irrespective of the December deadline promised for serenity, and huge funds and Commission established to refurbish and reintegrate the IDPs back to normal citizens. Where is the CHANGE!

Some persons under the DHQ and Information Ministry had also sought to play pranks with our security trust; informing us differently of the actual state of those insurgence-ravaged states’ security background.
Nigerians trooped in mass and voted for CHANGE that’d bring world standard best practices security administration. But this CHANGE still ride in subterfuge.

Analyzing from the CHANGE paradigms in other countries; abduction is minimal and legally in retribution, but in our CHANGE ship here; hyperventilation by citizens over insecurity around the ship is still alarming.

* Anti-Corruption War.
We have seen more media anti-corruption war as against the CHANGE-promised red-tape and bureaucratic-free wipe-out of public institutions mismanagement and indiscipline.
‘One-sidedness’ of the probe of public thieves spark people’s outrage as to how all sinners shouldn’t be condemned. Even in the CHANGE ship, we have ministers heading ministries whose names are on their states’ thieves blacklist. Oh Dear!

* Budget Of CHANGE.
Before its assent, the name Budget of Change portrayed an action plan document written with obscurities for the betterment and development of some persons and areas, and not the entire masses. The CHANGE warriors couldn’t muster ‘oneness’ in preparing and dishing out the budget. What a CHANGE!
We also witnessed ‘padding’ and ‘counter paddings’ of CHANGE Budget. In a CHANGE era? What a sublime hokum.
Nigerians expected Budget of CHANGE to sail through economic team of financial experts and budget planners of repute. But what danced on our legislative stage and later to Mr President was a voluminous document with no true blue preparation, and lacked above board.
Looking back at the days of today’s opposition in office, CHANGE-wail reverberated the cosmos pointing towards gross incompetence in the proposed budgets. But after all electoral said and done we wallowed on the same line of a sick budget proceedings. What a ‘One Chance CHANGE’.

* Agitations For Cessation.
Very simple, the agitation by some ethnic factions in the country plus the new Niger Delta Avengers, for sovereignty and demand for economic well-being is owing to the fact that the promise for peaceful co-existence has gone through the back so far. Of course this has been without bending over backwards to achieve a true federalism promised. If we work together we suppose to eat together. But the Niger Delta managers are rather managing their few brothers and pockets. Ask the pipe-line vandals.

Marginalisation has aided the security of the national wealth to some ‘babariga’ few, and the supposed even-distribution of national cake has seen no light of the day.

Who will still stand on; I Pledge To One Nigeria, with the ripple so far?

* Health Sector and Strike-Games.
Lassa Fever, Zika Virus, and some other deadly health ills lurk around us reducing the population and bringing about disharmony amongst Nigerians, while we are told the Fresh Air president left with our healthiness.

Our Doctors are embarking on strikes as if the sector has lost reverence and respect for humanity and the well-being of the citizens. This is seriously a down-thumb for CHANGE.

* Jocose Electricity rift.
New improvement indeed in the Power sector: new Minister and anew imposed-but-opposed electricity tariff.

One would’ve startled why improvement in Power generation and supply isn’t inclusive. Or is it too early for such expectation? So why is the hike in billing system not early? The Power sector is surely one bungle sector that’s bungled by mismanagers. You’ve not improved your services and the best thing should be hiking the service tariff? The truth is always tart to the ears. That’s shallowness.

* Subsidy Removal Hoax.
The Fresh Air ‘agendists’ came as pure as the driven snow to Nigerians that; the subsidy funds was enriching some pockets and benefitting some quarters. But the CHANGE (as opposition then) closed in for the kill insisting that the removal would be a Judas kiss to poor Nigerians. Now, the CHANGE in charge has removed the subsidy – eventually winning Award of Hypocrisy. The citizens are back to #OccupyNigeria again – under Change? Even the magical Ibe Kachukwu’s of this world told us on live camera that the subsidy removal was unrealistic. But what has happened – he has done his One Chance magic ones more.
We’ve had the fair share of it all. Veered CHANGE that blind us with science. From N87 we are here – N145. If that won’t rocket itself overnight.

* Tours & Meetings With Fantastically Corrupt Crusaders.
I got bewildered when some CHANGE statesmen came on air to wall their leader’s back as to why he travels to all economic, security, and political summits and international engagements all by himself; they said ‘he needs to be present in all, to show commitment and direct involvement in the ‘what-is-to-be-done’ discussions therein’.

I pondered the integrity at disposal of the CHANGE cabinet, if the leader is the only saint. Then where’re the CHANGE angels we voted. We’re set up.

After those of them we ran to for refuge termed us Fantastically Corrupt, we are back to their home, to ask them for the remaining of the fantastically corrupt funds they fantastically banked for our fantastically corrupt former and ‘present’ statesmen. Who said the present CHANGE angels are saints? Don’t panic, their dirty linens will soon be washed openly, perhaps after they are out of their CHANGE refuge.

* Legislative Lull.
Apt CHANGE in legislative proceedings propel painstaking and speedy procedures. But the current CHANGE legislators are glaringly status quo of the  7th Assembly, with their snail-speed and lack of paragon in democratic legislative proceedings.

Noisy proceedings short of strict prod to due procees hasn’t yet been seen in this CHANGE legislators. The House in plenaries; always an asylum of nitwits. Oh, this is not a joke.

This CHANGE legislators at the centre are yet to device over-sight means; to relegate states’ legislators that are worthy of Olympic boxing slots out of the states Assemblies. We have recently seen the Rivers state experience repeating itself under the CHANGE care – Benue state, Nasarawa and others yet to come.
Something is wrong with this CHANGE. Little wonder the CHANGE lawmakers’ Speaker is at war with the Code of Conduct Tribunal. He even tried influencing the amendment of the CCB Act. One Chance indeed.

* Economy; In The Lap Of No Luxury.
We must diversify our economy, they always say. How? has become the tongue-twist of every well-meaning Nigerian. The Oil world here is in ruffle and the Oil sector itself is rather in ruffians care.
The appropriation bill viz. Budget is off the beaten path and has no financial seriousness in mind for diversification of the economy through resuscitation of other sectors of the economy. We are diversified already, remember?

So, Which way from here?

$1 Dollar to 1 Naira promise was rather a hoax. A Dollar is over N200, if at all it’s accessible. We are left all over the place with this CHANGE.

The state of the nation is in deshabille and vulnerable to foreign forces to desolate. Yet we are in CHANGE era. Lord have mercy.

Conclusive, to Mr President: #IStandWithBuhari if this CHANGE train blows with the wind. If this CHANGE nation’s economy would be diversified so to say.

Nigerians voted for rejuvenation and revivified CHANGE, and not continuation from Fresh Air era.

I pray they CHANGE our CHANGE from One Chance.


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