As a matter of fact gaining financial knowledge about how currencies trends and trades against each other should be the priority of any concerned individual that seeks financial freedom and cares to participate in the biggest financial market in the world having over $5.3 Trillion daily turnover.
Alpari presents an opportunity
for almost anyone who cares to learn to become one of the sharks of the
financial markets, and as a leading global FOREX broker, offering clients a
full range of modern financial instruments and technical solutions for online
trading and investment, Alpari will be launching an intensive training seminars
across Nigeria starting with oil rich city of Port Harcourt.
Financial freedom
can be achieved by anybody. As long as you are motivated and ambitious to get
income. What’s more interesting is that ALL YOU NEED IS GOOD INTERNET AND A
On the 27th of
February 2016, Alpari will be
hosting a FREE Trading, Investments and
Financial Markets seminar at the Atrium, No 28 Stadium road in Port Harcourt by 10a.m
prompt. Why should you attend?
·Learn how to become a Financial Markets guru and
Trade like a Pro.
·Get insight on how to become an investments portfolio
·Find out how easy it is to access commodities
like Crude Oil and gain from falling oil prices.
·Meet seasoned industry experts who will have one
on one session s with you.
For further info
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